Finally, have the pain-free work day you want so you're comfortable at your desk and you can focus on what matters most


The online course

Back to Back

Say goodbye to discomfort at your desk with our effective strategies for a more comfortable and productive day

Join today — doors close soon!

Learn the effective method I developed after nearly 20 years of working as a physical therapist treating people with pains and discomforts from prolonged sitting.

Tell me if this sounds like you:

You want a pain-free workday at your office desk.
You need to break free from the discomfort that's been holding you back — you crave a work environment where you feel at
You have too much stiffness, eye strain, and back pain, making every work hour an
uphill battle against physical discomfort.
You're over trying to ignore the nagging pain and discomfort,
pushing through the workday with aching muscles and tired eyes.
You're tired of feeling restricted, fatigued, and limited in your ability to fully enjoy your work.
You wish there was a way to achieve a pain-free workday without resorting to temporary fixes or complicated solutions,
allowing you to focus on your tasks with ease and comfort.

Good news!

I've helped myself and many others with the method in Back to Back!

If you're anything like me, you may have come across common myths that people tend to believe, but it's important to separate fact from fiction. Don't let these misconceptions prevent you from making informed decisions. Let's take a closer look at these myths and debunk them once and for all.

Myths like...

Myth 1:

Pain is Inevitable: Accepting pain as an unavoidable consequence of computer work, without seeking preventive measures.

There are other options than just staying in the same position and ignoring the pain at work.

Pain is not normal! Pain is our body's way of telling us something is wrong.

The online course Back to Back reviews the numerous reasons why people experience pain from prolonged sitting at a computer and provides solutions to these different reasons.

Myth 2:

Exercise Compensates for Poor Positioning: Believing that regular exercise alone can counteract the negative effects of poor workstation setup OR Heavy Weight Training is Necessary: Thinking that only intense workouts are effective, neglecting the benefits of light exercises.
The postural muscles require specific exercises to target them. Heavy weight training or a person who exercises regularly may not be targeting these muscles. In addition, the stretches needed to focus on specific muscle groups that get tight with prolonged sitting may not be addressed in another exercise program.

Targeting the right muscles is key!

The online course Back to Back provides a Module focusing on
a few exercises and a few stretches that target the muscles affected by prolonged sitting at a desk. These exercises are simple and specific and target muscles affected by prolonged sitting at a computer all day.

Myth 3:

Ergonomic Products Solve Everything: Believing that purchasing ergonomic accessories automatically solves discomfort issues.

It's important to determine if certain ergonomic equipment would be helpful for you. Not all ergonomic equipment is necessary or even beneficial for everyone.

Every individual is unique!

This course provides an overview of ergonomic equipment and its purpose for individuals. Including reasons why this equipment may be beneficial for some and not others are explained.



There was a way to improve your daily discomfort and fatigue...

You could
finally have a workday where you're not constantly shifting in your chair or stretching to relieve pain...

You could
focus on your tasks without the distraction of nagging discomfort...

You could leave work feeling
energized and ready to enjoy your evenings without the burden of pain...

All of that's possible inside
The online course
Back to Back

Join today! Doors are closing soon.

Learn the effective method I developed after nearly 20 years of working as a physical therapist treating people with pains and discomforts from prolonged sitting.

Who is this right for?

The Desk Warrior:

Are you a Desk Warrior, spending long hours at your computer, only to end the day with aches and pains? The online course Back to Back is designed specifically for you. It will teach you how to set up your workstation for optimal comfort and productivity, along with simple exercises and stretches to keep you feeling great all day long. Say goodbye to pain and discomfort and hello to a pain-free workday!

The Health-Conscious Worker:

Are you a Health-Conscious Worker, always looking for ways to improve your well-being? The online course Back to Back is just what you need. We'll teach you how to sit correctly, set up your workstation for optimal comfort, and incorporate exercises and stretches into your day. Say farewell to pain and discomfort and embrace a pain-free workday!

The Busy Professional:

As a Busy Professional, you're constantly on the go, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer through aches and pains at work. The online course Back to Back is perfect for you. We'll show you how to sit for comfort, arrange your workstation, and incorporate quick exercises and stretches into your day. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a more productive and comfortable workday!

Basically, this is for you if...

You want to have comfort at your work desk.

You've tried changing your workstation but
don't know where to get started.

You've tried to buy ergonomic equipment to help your pain but you're
overwhelmed by trying to figure out what exactly the ergonomic equipment is for and if it would be helpful for you.

You've tried starting an exercise program so you're not so
tired at your work day but you're overwhelmed by trying to figure out what type of exercises will help you.

You want an
easy, straightforward system to improve comfort at your work desk in 3 weeks or less.

On the flip-side...

This is not for you if...

don't intend to change anything about your workstation.

You want to
avoid putting in the time to learn why positioning is important.

You prefer to search the internet for information
on your own, rather than relying on expert advice for actionable strategies.

You are seeking a physical therapist to evaluate your condition and establish a patient-therapist relationship. (This course is not physical therapy services, the information in this course is for general information purposes only.)

Hi, I'm Joanne!

I am a wellness course creator, with a background in physical therapy. I use my extensive knowledge and experience to educate people in optimizing their workstations, desks, and chairs for maximum comfort and productivity. I help clients improve their positioning, reduce discomfort, and enhance their well-being during long work hours.
I decided to switch gears and focus on online wellness course creation after recovering from an injury that affected my ability to sit at my computer for work even after recovery.
I applied my expertise from my background in physical therapy and developed a step-by-step approach to adjust my workstation so I could comfortably sit at my desk. This worked so well that I decided to share my step-by-step program with the public through an online course! 

Why I created this:

After my personal experience, I decided to utilize my background in physical therapy and the method I developed to create a reliable technique that could assist office workers worldwide in improving their comfort at their desk without having to figure it out themselves.

I believe this course will be
valuable to anyone who spends extended time at their desk by preventing and improving achy or tight muscles, eye fatigue, and muscle fatigue.

What's inside

The online course

Back to Back

Module 0: Introduction

Introduction to Back to Back: This module provides valuable insights into my 4- Step Method, designed to enhance comfort at your workstation.

Module 1: The Preparation phase:

This module consists of two parts. The Why and Tips.

Are you tired of experiencing back, neck, and other
discomforts caused by prolonged sitting at your computer? If yes, we've got you covered! Our comprehensive guide highlights the most common reasons for such issues and includes pictures and explanations of different sitting positions that can contribute to increased pain throughout the day.

In addition to reviewing why these aches and pains are common, there will also be
tips to decrease these issues and other issues including stress and eye fatigue.

Module 1 is a foundational module that provides information to
improve comfort and invest in your workday success.

Module 2: The Sitting Phase:

This Module will review proper positioning in your work chair for
increased comfort and decreased strain on your spine, muscles, and joints.

I developed a
7-step method to ensure proper positioning at the work desk for maximum comfort and support in your chair.

Thinking you won't remember or have time for a 7-step process to sit in your chair? It will be simple with a quick PDF checklist to support this method and
start your day right!

Module 3: The Exercise Phase:

Do you find that you have very
achy shoulder or upper back muscles by the end of your workday? This can be caused by weakness in the muscles that maintain your posture throughout the day. Do you feel tightness in your legs or back? This can be from prolonged sitting. This module will review a few exercises and stretches that target these particular issues.

Module 4: Set-up:

Are you looking to optimize your work environment? Then you won't want to miss Module 4, which focuses on setting up your workspace for maximum
efficiency, comfort, and convenience.

Information on how to position your computer or laptop, organize your paperwork and files, and make the most of any other accessories you use throughout the day.

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable during the workday? Worry no more! Phase 4 is here to help you say goodbye to those discomforts and hello to a more productive and comfortable day. Let's make your day a lot more enjoyable with this set-up system.

Module 5: Ergonomic Supplies:

This module aims to provide information about various
ergonomic supplies available on the market that can enhance comfort during work hours. The focus will be on the purpose of these supplies and why certain equipment might be useful for certain individuals while being unnecessary for others.

Did you ever purchase a piece of ergonomic equipment and feel it did not help at all? This module will review why this can happen. It's not necessarily about the equipment itself it is about being in a comfortable neutral position.

Module 6: Home Office Challenges and Advantages:

Discover the many advantages of working from home with this module on home office best practices.

effective techniques to overcome common obstacles and enhance your home office environment to achieve maximum comfort.

Whether you are a seasoned remote worker or just starting, this module is packed with valuable insights and tips to help you
optimize your work environment.

Module 7: Conclusion

There's more! You'll also get...

Set up Checklist

Set up Checklist ($50 value) -Download a printable checklist to ensure you are setting yourself up correctly at your work desk

Tips Download

Tips Download ($50 value) - Download a list of tips to decrease strain and stress throughout the work-day

The Seat Support Checklist

The Support Method Checklist ($100 value) - Download a printable checklist of the 7-step method to sitting for comfort in your work chair

Join today for the introductory rate of only $149

Doors closing soon!

Learn the effective method I developed after nearly 20 years of working as a physical therapist treating people with pains and discomforts from prolonged sitting.

Learn the effective method I developed after nearly 20 years of working as a physical therapist treating people with pains and discomforts from prolonged sitting.

Got questions? I've got answers!

Why should I invest in this course if I can find similar information online for free?

While there's a lot of information online, my course is designed to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide you can tailor to your needs. It's not just about exercises and stretches; it's about understanding the root causes of pain and tightness and how to address them effectively. The information provided in the course will help you determine what you need to address your specific issues.

I'm worried about spending money on something that might not work for me. Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes, if the online course Back to Back does not provide insight or information to assist with optimizing your workstation for comfort, simply email us with an explanation within 14 days of purchase for a full refund.

I'm worried about my posture and ergonomics. Will this course help me with that?

Absolutely! The online course Back to Back is a comprehensive step-by-step approach to prevent pain from prolonged computer use. Whether the pain is caused by posture, positioning, setup, or tight or weak muscles, the online course Back to Back has a strategy to fix the pain.

I've tried in the past to relieve my pain at work and it didn't work. How is this course different?

The online course Back to Back takes a wellness approach to pain and other issues during prolonged computer use. It not only addresses the symptoms but also the underlying causes. This comprehensive guide provides information on how to set up your computer station to decrease pain. It also includes tips on positioning, ergonomic equipment, and how to minimize fatigue and eye strain.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick to the program. How can I be sure it will work for me?

I understand that it can be difficult to stick to a new routine, but this course is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your schedule and needs. Once you have gone through the entire course and set up your positioning correctly, you will have a checklist (provided in the course) to ensure that you are setting yourself up correctly each day. The exercises and stretches are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Plus, the results speak for themselves- many people experience significant improvements in their discomforts within a few weeks.

14-day Money-back Guarantee:

If Back to Back does not provide insight or information to assist with optimizing your workstation for comfort, simply email us with an explanation within
14 days of purchase for a full refund.

If you've read this far...

You have two options:

Continue to invest time and energy in the
trial-and-error process of addressing your back and neck pain, soreness, fatigue, and eye strain...

Or, finally have an effective method for achieving comfort at your work desk, providing you with the relief you need to be more productive and enjoy your work.

Imagine where you could be just one month from now.

You're ready to transform your work environment from a source of pain to a haven of comfort.
You're ready to stop enduring the strains of back and neck discomfort, fatigue, and eye strain.
You're ready to start embracing a workday where every moment is
free from the physical discomfort that has bothered you.
You're ready for a way to attain a
pain-free desk experience effortlessly, without the trial and error.
You're ready for the liberating feeling of
achieving a seamless, comfortable workday.
You're ready for Back to Back.

Join today-Doors closing soon!

Learn the effective method I developed after nearly 20 years of working as a physical therapist treating people with pains and discomforts from prolonged sitting.